The difference between the status of Finland and Estonia as the ‚Ostseeprovinz‘ of the Russian Empire and the Hungarian Kingdom within the Habsburg Monarchy between 1613 and 1825

The difference between the status of Finland and Estonia as the ‚Ostseeprovinz‘ of the Russian Empire and the Hungarian Kingdom within the Habsburg Monarchy between 1613 and 1825

Virgil Zólyom Erasmus-hallgatóm Németországból érkezett Budapestre. A Balti-térség országai közül Észtország és Finnország státuszát hasonlította össze a Habsburg Monarchián belüli Magyar Királyságéval. A magyar történészhallgatók...
Self-reflection, and its Absence from Russian Policy – from Sarajevo to the Princes’ Islands (1914–1919)

Self-reflection, and its Absence from Russian Policy – from Sarajevo to the Princes’ Islands (1914–1919)

Russian expansionism during World War I concluded to defeat. The fiasco of Tsarism led to the emergence of the Russian Revolution by the end of...